In an emergency, you may call 911, be sure and tell them your exact location
(Emergency Responders only have the main SNU address when called from an SNU landline)
Bethany is located on the Northwest side of the greater Oklahoma City metropolitan area. Despite being in a suburban setting, and having a history of low crime rates, the campus is not immune to crime. Becoming aware of potential dangers, and taking preventive measures, will protect you, and help us keep SNU a safe and pleasant environment in which to live, work, and pursue an education.
SNU has two other campus locations, Tulsa, and Del City, where undergrad and graduate programs are offered to working adults in a modular format. Most of the evening courses are taught on the main campus in Bethany.
Campus Safety & Security
The SNU Police Department (SNUPD) makes continual efforts to reduce crime on campus, but your help is needed as well. We believe a well-informed community is better served and much safer.
On the Bethany campus, The Southern Nazarene Police Department (SNUPD) is authorized by the SNU Board of Trustees, University President, and Oklahoma statute O.S. 74-360.17. Under this statute, SNUPD sworn officers have the authority to make arrests and enforce federal, state, and local law and regulate SNU rules and regulations. SNU DPS jurisdiction extends to any SNU owned property to include any City of Bethany Street adjacent to the university. SNU Department of Public Safety consists of full-time sworn police officers, part-time sworn reserve police officers, non-sworn security employees, and student workers.
SNUPD strives to work closely with other surrounding law enforcement agencies. These agencies include Bethany Police Department, Oklahoma City Police Department, and Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Department. While the university is private property and constitutional protections apply, law enforcement officers may enter the campus to conduct business as needed. Additionally, the officers are invited to patrol the campus to assist SNU DPS in deterring crime. All law enforcement agencies are expected to check in with SNUPD when on campus.
SNUPD enjoys its strong relationship with the Bethany Police Department (BPD). SNUPD personnel are police officers with law enforcement and arrest authority on campus. The exercise of that authority is described in a “Memorandum of Understanding” (MOU) between BPD and SNUPD that outlines which law enforcement agency will have jurisdiction over which types of offenses. However, as a matter of course, serious crimes are reported to BPD for assistance if needed. The university relies on the phone or two-way radio to contact the county or local emergency dispatch center for fire and emergency medical needs.
Southern Nazarene University in Tulsa, is located in a leased office space in a multi-storied office complex. There are video surveillance cameras inside the Tulsa complex. Classes are held throughout the evening hours. SNU Tulsa has emergency planning in place and access to a place of shelter in case of severe storm within the building.
SNU Bethany campus is equipped with a 24-hour Safety dispatch center, located at 4217 N Peniel St in the gray house adjacent to the sand volleyball courts. You may contact DPS at 405-491-6309 at any time.
Protecting Yourself Against Assault
Although we cannot guarantee that you will never be a victim of assault or rape, there are several steps you can take to minimize your chances of being a victim.
The following are suggestions for you to incorporate into your daily living routine:
On the Street
• Do not walk alone unless you absolutely have to.
• Be aware of what is happening around you. Know where you are and where you are going.
• If you walk home from work regularly, vary your route. Do not be predictable! Walk away from bushes, alleys, and dark entryways. Stay in well-lighted areas.
• Do not be surprised. Attackers rely on the element of surprise. Do not wear headphones while walking alone.
• Trust your instincts. If you think you are being followed, walk towards a busy, lighted area. Scream loudly to attract attention, then tell someone to call the police because you are being followed.
• If someone bothers you from a car, turn and walk in the opposite direction. If possible get a license plate number. Then when you are in a safe place, notify the police department.
• When you are walking, keep one hand free. Keep your purse close to your body. If you are carrying books or packages, be prepared to drop them. Nothing you are carrying is worth your life. Drop it and run.Jogging on the Streets
• It is safer to be with a friend or group
• Avoid running during the evening hours on the streets away from campus.
• When running during the evening hours, run with a friend or group.
• The track located in Sawyer Center is available for use many hours of the day and evening.In Your Car
• Have your keys in your hand as your approach your car. Do not fumble around with your attention focused on something other than what is happening around you.
• Always look inside your car to the back seat and the floor before you get in.
• Keep your car doors locked and your windows up when you drive.
• Do not let the gas run empty. You do not want to have to stop for gas in places where you would not want to walk.Be prepared for emergencies
• Carry a flashlight and flares or reflectors and an emergency manual in the car.
• Know how to change a tire. Make certain the spare tire is in good condition, and that the proper jack and all its parts are in the car.
• If your car breaks down at night, put on your emergency flashers and place a flare about twenty feet behind your car. Remain in your car with the doors locked and the windows closed until police arrive.
• If another motorist stops to assist you, roll the window down a crack and ask him/her to call the police or a towing service for you.
• Always keep enough money in your car to make an emergency phone call.
• Have a cell phone to have with you for emergencies.Rape Fact vs. Fiction
There are many misconceptions about sexual assault. People in every segment of society have developed their own “ideas” about rape and rape victims. The “blame it on the victim” attitude makes it difficult for the victim to seek help and to begin the recovery process. It is through the myths and misconceptions about rape that not only do many women increase their chances of becoming a victim, but many others are allowed to turn the victim into the villain.
Fiction: Rape will not happen to me or someone I know.
Fact: One in every six women you know will be a victim of sexual assault. Men, women and children…old people, young people…people from every socioeconomic group, every religion have been victimized. Rape is the most unreported crime in the Untied States. It occurs every five minutes.
Fiction: Rape does not happen at schools like ours.
Fact: A rape can occur at any school. The potential is everywhere. The threat can come from people on or off campus.
Fiction: The rapist is almost always a stranger to the victim.
Fact: Most women are raped by someone they know – a date, an acquaintance, a neighbor, a relative. These rapes generally go unreported. In fact, almost half of these rapes never get reported. Any woman forced into having sex against her wishes has been victimized by rape. If the rape occurs with a friend or relative, the victim often feels somewhat “responsible” for the act, is unwilling to “confess” it to others, and is discouraged from seeking professional help.Fiction: Men rape because they want sex. They are usually frustrated because they have limited opportunities for sex. Many are maniacs or psychopaths.
Fact: The motivation for rape is the need to have power and to control. Forcing women to have sex against their will is an act of aggression and violence. The rapist is angry, feels the need to dominate and uses sex as his weapon.Fiction: Women really want to be raped. They “ask for it” by the way they dress or act.
Fact: No person ever wants to be a victim of a violent, life-threatening act. Most victims have feelings of terror, humiliation, and degradation.
What To Do If you Have Been Raped
Go someplace where you feel safe and can get emotional support.
Contact SNU Police. Find a friend and/or your Resident Assistant or Resident Director. They will assist you in getting the appropriate help and support you need. If you want, call a rape-crisis hotline.
Even though you may feel “dirty”-
It is important that you get medical attention for treatment of injuries and for other tests, which are for your benefit both physically and legally.
The decision to report the rape is yours if you are of legal age. Reporting a rape is an important part in the fight to end this type of crime. But you must choose to do what is comfortable for you.
Counseling is an essential step in the recovery process. Even if you do not report the rape and pursue the legal action against your attacker, you will need the help of a trained counselor. Counselors who are trained in rape-crisis can be found in hospitals, rape-crisis centers or mental health centers. Professional counseling services are available without charge in the Counseling Center (491-6335).
A Special Word about Date Rape
No one ever thinks that a dating situation with a friend will ever get out of control…BUT it can. Your best defense for minimizing your chances for a problem is precaution. Here are a few suggestions:
o On first dates, enjoy an evening activity in a well-lighted public place.
o Go out with another couple or at least let your roommate or friend know where you are going, who you are going with, and what time you expect to return.
o Avoid getting into places and situations, which may lead to a compromise (dark “parking” spots, your date’s apartment).
o Be aware of non-verbal and verbal cues which may warn you of a potentially dangerous situation.
o Trust your instincts. It may not be “just your imagination!” -
Reporting of Crime & Safety Concerns
Reporting of Crime & Safety Concerns
In the event of an emergency where an actual crime is taking place, be
advised of the following important contact numbers.SNU Police Department
Dispatch Center 405.491-6309Bethany Police Department
405-789-2323 (Non-Emergency).Residence Hall Directors
RD on Duty: 405-717-6279Tulsa/Extension Campuses
SNU-Tulsa Emergency
SNU- Tulsa Center
Tulsa Police (Non-Emergency)
Community members, students, faculty, staff and guests are encouraged to report all crimes and public safety related incidents to the SNUPD Police office. The dispatch center for SNUPD is located at 4217 N. Peniel
Avenue, Bethany, OK 73008.Report a Crime or Safety Concern
If you become aware of a crime after it has occurred, it is still very helpful if you will report the incident to SNUPD – 405-491-6309.
Confidential Reporting of Crime
Students or employees who are victims/witnesses to a crime may elect to
report the crime on a confidential basis. University personnel endeavor to investigate crime based on the information provided. Even if the use of the information is restricted by a request for confidentiality, the information can be very useful in providing timely warnings to others in the community, in addition to assisting with an investigation of an incident.If you have been a victim or a witness to a crime and desire confidentiality in reporting, you should state your desire for submitting a confidential report when contacting any of the offices or personnel shown above as campus authorities.
Reporting of Crime by Counselors
University personnel serving as licensed counselors who work within a
confidential counseling role are encouraged at the time a crime is reported to inform clients of the procedures for reporting crime voluntarily and anonymously. This is for the purpose of providing accurate statistics on campus crime.The University encourages and allows counselors to provide anonymous
information on crime to a campus authority on a case-by-case voluntary basis.Reporting Campus Hazards
In order to keep personal injuries at a minimum, you are encouraged to report observed physical hazards to the Facilities Management, 491-6356; Dispatch, 491-6309; or Campus Safety and Security, 491-6385, ext. 009.SNU-Tulsa: Please contact the SNU-Tulsa Director at 918-664-4100.
Timely Warning Announcements
When any of the campus security authorities noted above receive a report of a crime or a situation that poses a potential threat to students and/or employees, SNUPD personnel will publish a warning or an alert to the campus, attempting to warn of the potential of criminal activity. SNUPD personnel will utilize one of the following as primary means of notification: emergency notification system (SNU Alert!), campus wide e-mails, notification via residence life personnel, and voice-mail for staff and faculty as the primary means of notification. The Forecast (weekly announcement), Chapel announcements, and articles in the student newspaper, The Echo are alternate routes of notification.Campus Crime Log
SNU’s Police Staff maintain an open record of reported crimes and their
status. If you would like to review this record, you can find it at the SNUPD Office.SNU-Tulsa: The federal regulations do not require a limited-service campus site such as SNU-Tulsa to maintain a crime log. However, students and/or employees with questions about reported crimes should contact the Director of SNU-Tulsa’s office for assistance.
Residence Hall Safety
SNU maintains housing for resident students on the Bethany campus in three residence halls and three apartment complexes. There are no residential facilities at SNU-Tulsa and no off-campus student organizations/facilities such as fraternities or sororities at either Bethany or Tulsa campus locations.
Access to the residence halls is controlled. Each of these residence facilities is locked 24 hours a day. Access units are located at the front entrance of each hall, with an additional security door unit located in the main lobby of residence halls. This unit is mounted at the entry point into the living area.
Students are prohibited from allowing other students or guests to use their access to fobs or ID cards. Such use will result in disciplinary action. Students are only permitted in the lobby of the residence halls of the opposite sex. There are scheduled open houses with established hours for open door visitation sponsored by each residence.
Visitation in the Apartments by members of the opposite sex is limited to the living/dining room areas.
Each residence hall floor and apartment area has a student Resident Assistant (RA) and each building/area has a Resident Director (RD) who lives in the facility and provides direction and on-site supervision. These students and staff members are trained by the Student Development Office.
Residents gain access to their rooms through individual keys issued through the Resident Director. The RAs and/or RDs provide accessible contacts in situations where you require assistance or have safety or security concerns.
It is extremely important that residents do not compromise the security of other residents by propping fire doors or exit doors open, leaving windows open and unattended or doors unlocked. Please report broken locks and windows to Facilities (phone: 491-6356) and/or your Resident Director immediately. Keep your door locked for your own safety and the protection of your belongings. Guard your credit cards as you would your money. Report any suspicious activity immediately to your RA/RD and or SNU Police.
Campus Access
Southern Nazarene University’s facilities (excluding housing facilities) will be open to students, parents, employees, guests, and invitees during normal business hours. All other times entry is limited according to the building schedule. Access to facilities other than posted hours will be by SNU Police, authorized key-holders, and for residence halls, one may contact a residential life staff member.
Schedules may be changed or altered according to the needs of different departments.
SNU Police, Facilities employees, and Residential Life Staff will report areas of concern such as lighting, locks, and communication needs.
Public Safety / Police Publications
SNU Alert
“SNU Alert” is the emergency notification system that allows authorized SNU officials to send news and instructions simultaneously to individuals through landline phones, cellular phones, text messaging and email. The benefits of this system are its immediacy and direct access to individual campus members through multiple points of contact.
“SNU Alert” is a great addition to tools the university has in place for emergency response, such as weather-related closings, environmental health crises, public safety incidents, and other unique emergency situations. In the event of an actual emergency, the university will continue to relay critical information using the most appropriate option of notification: SNU Alert, SNU website announcements, university email, door-to-door notifications, posters, local radio/TV stations, and the university’s main phone line.
All faculty, staff, and students, are encouraged to update their contact information through the emergency notification system on the SNU Portal. After logging on, go to WebAdvisor, then Communication tab, and then SNU Alert Form. Each person can enter preferred contact information for phone messages, SMS text messages and email.
Surviving an Active Shooter
Information on Obtaining a Parking Permit
SNU Police (SNUPD) has transitioned to a new parking permit/sticker process for students and employees of the university at the Bethany campus. Here is what you need to know:
You are now required to register your vehicle with the university.
You arealso required to have an SNU parking sticker/permit on your vehicle to park at SNU. If you have an existing parking sticker/permit, you don’t have to have a new one; however, you must register your vehicle. If you don’t have one, you must get one after registering your vehicle. Parking stickers are only valid when the vehicle is registered with the university.
Parking stickers are free!
At the beginning of the semester, parking stickers may be obtained from student life staff in Webster Commons. Any other time, you may stop in the SNU Police office, present your university ID, and pick up a sticker. (4217 N Peniel, building directly north of the sand volleyball courts)
Every vehicle that parks on campus needs to be registered and display a parking sticker. Not obtaining a sticker for your vehicle may result in loss of parking privileges on campus and your vehicle being impounded.
For further information, please see a copy of the approved SNU Vehicle Code in the Public Safety/ Police Publications tab.